Fellowship Development
The primary objective of "APF Fellowship Development" (FD) is to support the growth, unity, stability, and recovery of NA Communities within the Asia Pacific Zone.
There are often a variety of barriers that prevent NA from growing and thriving in certain communities. These barriers can be a result of geography, technology, culture, language, economic disadvantage, or a result of members being detached from the service structure.
APF’s Fellowship Development team works on strengthening member communities by making them aware of the support and resources available helping them to meet NA’s primary purpose of carrying the NA message.
Requesting APF Fellowship Development
FD Process
FD Request Form
Local Workgroup Formation
Workgroup Discussions with FD
Volunteer Selection
FD Event - Physical or Online
Follow Up
FD Request Form - Download and fill the APF FELLOWSHIP DEVELOPMENT REQUEST & INFORMATION FORM along with your regional service committee (RSC) or area service committee (ASC), if your community doesn’t have a RSC.
More details are encouraged! Highlight the areas of development or support that your community has identified and fill them out in the form.
Have your regional delegate (RD) email this form to us on apfadmin@apfna.org.
Local Workgroup Formation - We form a local workgroup generally on Whatsapp with members and volunteers from APF and the local community to coordinate and discuss various aspects of the FD activity.
Workgroup Discussions - The APF FD team will coordinate on Zoom with your community on a regular basis to identify the FD goals for your community, and ideate with the local community on how those gaps can be closed through FD.
Volunteer Selection - The local community will involve and select volunteers to fulfill certain roles and responsibilities. Multiple discussions take place under this phase as things start coming together for the FD activity.
Physical / Online FD Activity - The actual implementation of the activity with the local community taking up a lead and bringing resources, volunteers and attendees together.
Follow up & Reporting - A detailed report is presented by the workgroup to APF Delegates after the completion of the FD activity. The FD team continues to conduct regular follow ups and provide support and assistance as required to the local community.
FD Activities
Helping start NA recovery meetings in places where there are addicts but no NA community
Arranging Group Starter Kits, literature for new individual groups without any service structure support
Playing a role in translations, helping communities to connect with each other and NAWS
Working with NA fellowships in APF to support them through Workshops, sharing information, etc
Monthly Zoom meetings are organized to discuss ongoing efforts, successes / obstacles and sharing FD experiences from around the zone
Local community FD Travel Trips
FD Workshops
Recovery Related
An Introduction to Narcotics Anonymous
12 Steps
12 Traditions
12 Concepts
Service, Is it for me?
How to be an Ally
Mental Health & Recovery
Service Related
12 Traditions
NA Service Structure
Predatory and Disruptive Behaviour
Who is Missing From Our Meetings?
APF Workgroup Resource Pool
The Asia Pacific Forum is focused towards building a resource pool of volunteers and future Workgroup Coordinators & Leaders. The APF Workgroups for Fellowship Development (FD), Women's Fellowship Development (WFD), Public Relations (PR), Strategic Planning (SP), Newsletter, Merchandise & Web cater to service delivery requirements for all NA communities within the APF. Most of the workgroups conduct monthly online meetings on Zoom to plan, execute and report each service project.
The skills we look for include experience in conducting workshops, PR presentations, writing, graphic design, computer, web and other technical expertise, NA guidelines & policies, along with experience in structured service in NA.
If you wish to serve in any capacity in the APF, please fill out the form below.