APF Communities
The Asia Pacific Forum is made up of the NA Communities from the Asia Pacific Zone. The APF serves and is accountable to the following NA communities:
For Members & Communities
APF Announcements
Members of any gender can fill this survey
Contributions to APF
The 7th Tradition of Narcotics Anonymous states:
“Every NA group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.”
For this reason, we ask that only those who identify as NA members, or are NA service committees or bodies, contribute funds to the Asia Pacific Forum.
For Professionals
Narcotics Anonymous: A Brief History
The non-profit fellowship of Narcotics Anonymous (NA), sprang from the Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Program of the late 1940s, to light a path to recovery from the horrors of drug addiction. Narcotics Anonymous started in July 1953 with its first meeting in Southern California. Within a few years, NA groups had formed in Brazil, Colombia, Germany, India, the Irish Republic, Japan, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom.
Today NA is well established throughout much of North and South America, Western Europe, Australia, the Middle East, New Zealand and Eastern Europe. Narcotics Anonymous books and information pamphlets in over 60 languages. Today there are more than 77,000 weekly meetings in over 145 countries.
If you would like to arrange a presentation or speak to someone in more detail about the services we offer please contact the Public Relations Workgroup.